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4 reasons to focus on Apple Music as an artist in 2024.

While the rest of the world is busy struggling with growing on Spotify, my tip is to get ahead of the game and invest your energy in Apple Music. With 88 million subscribers worldwide, Apple Music is the second biggest DSP and, in my opinion, the best one to use for artist growth.

If your focus is not on vanity metrics like monthly listeners and followers but instead on creating a strong fanbase, it is certainly worth giving Apple Music as much importance as Spotify (if not more).

If you are an artist, check out my top 4 reasons to focus on Apple Music rather than Spotify in 2024:

Apple Music for Artists

1 - Less competition

As most artists are investing in ads that drive users to Spotify, there is much less competition on Apple Music. This means that if you have a strong ad campaign in place Apple Music is more likely to reward you for bringing more people to their app by pushing out your music even further.

2- Better royalties

Apple pays better with circa $0.01 per stream vs somewhere between $0.003 and $0.005 for Spotify. This is more than double, which basically means that you can earn double the money by spending the same amount in ads. Not bad, huh?

3 - Your mental health

Third, as Apple Music does not feature an official number of monthly listeners and followers next to each artist’s name, the pressure to get streams is much less and this could be beneficial for your mental health.

4 - Shazam Stats

Another great feature available on Apple Music is that it is connected to Shazam and you can access some very interesting stats about when and where your music was Shazammed around the world. This can help you identify whether your song has been picked up in certain markets and so change your strategy accordingly.

Do you prefer Apple Music or Spotify as an artist? What are the advantages of being on both platforms?

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